Climate Action Textile Forum

Every action matters, every tree planted, every KW of clean energy used, every litre of water saved, every KG of CO2 sequestered and each microbe added to the soil – they all make a difference in this journey of mitigating the ill effects of Climate change. Beetle abides by this key message as we aim to enable a platform for all stakeholders from the Textile world willing to create climate resilient supply chains and ecosystems.
Our exploration of the roles of regenerative agriculture and sustainable supply chains in combating climate change reveals a powerful truth: our farmers are not just cultivators of the earth, they are guardians of its future.

Now, more than ever, we need to take action. Hence Beetle strives to support policies and practices that drive regenerative and circular actions, and we need to do it together. It's not just about what we do, but how we do it. Let’s envision a future where every step we take preserves and enriches our planet, not just for us, but for generations to come.

Join us in this journey. Your voice, your actions, and your support can drive the change we desperately need.